I just had the opportunity to review the most recent release, Lucky Star, from Brooks Williams and it's got a bright, bluesy folk feel. Opening with Bright Side of the Blues, a poppy track with Williams on vocal and acoustic guitar, backed by Phil Richardson on piano, Kevin McGuire on bass, Stuart Brown on drums and Rab Noakes on smooth backing vocals, Williams shows his strong capabilities as a singer songwriter. Something You Got is one of my favorite tracks on the release with it's easy feel and melodic guitar soloing by Williams. With it's Caribbean styling, Mama's Song has a great rhythm. With it's country blues form, Gambling Man has nicely blended vocals and cool finger picking. Ballad, Whatever It Takes has a strong melody with only the necessary backing from McGuire on bass, Brown on drums, and Rachael Lightbody on backing vocals. Very nice. A second inclusion of Rock Me, this time with only Williams on guitar and vocal and Hans Theessink on mandolin and backing vocal. Very nice. Wrapping the release is a second cut of Gambling Man, this time again with Theessink on acoustic guitar and vocal. This is a strong original track and a solid closer for this solid release.

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