I just had the opportunity to review the most recent release, High Risk, Low Reward from Ryan Perry and he has put together a solid blues rock release. Opening with Ain't Afraid to Eat Alone, a straight up rocker with R&B overtones, Perry's strong vocals and fluid guitar lead is perfect for this band. Backed by Roger Inniss on bass, Lucy Piper on drums and Jeffrey Staten & Stephanie Bechtold on backing vocals, this is a super opener. Maintaining the strong melody and rhythm consistent throughout the release, Pride continues to showcase Perry's vocal strength, addition of backing vocals by Staten, this track has strong radio appeal and soulful guitar lead reinforcing the melody. Title track, High Risk, Low Return has a real cool droning guitar sound that I associate with Mississippi blues and with it's simple structure and rich vocals makes this one of my release favorites. Oh No has a slower pondering pace with a suspenseful feel. The surprise track on the release is Willie Dixon's Evil is Going On. A real power rock take on this track has a great groove. With synchronized drums, bass and guitar the house is rocking. Perry unleashes the dog on this one and his playing is wild and distorted in pure blues rock fashion. Excellent! Wrapping the release is Hard Times, another hill country flavored blues number with a droning note guitar style. Really putting it on is layered distorted guitar, heavy tom tom and a solid bass line. This is a really cool closer for a strong release.

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