I just had the opportunity to review the most recent release, Charmed & Dangerous, from Altered Five Blues Band and it's quite good. Opening with title track, Charmed & Dangerous, a funky blues track, powerhouse lead singer, Jeff Taylor is off to great start. Lead guitarist, Jeff Schroedl is on top with a modern day Albert King style flair joined by Mark Solveson on bass, Tom Hambridge on drums and Raymond Tevich on keys these guys pack a powerful punch. and Hambridge as always sets great pace. An excellent opener. On shuffle track, Mint Condition, Trevich sets a great sound on organ and Schroedl's Texas style blues riffs are spot on. With a nod from Howlin' Wolf, On My List To Quit absolutely struts. Taylor is on top of his game with solid vocals and Schroedl's riffs are crisp. Out of the gate like "Mad Dogs", Gonna Lose My Lady is a strong blues rocker. One of my favorite tracks on the release Cookin' In Your Kitchen, gives Schroedl a super opportunity to show his chops and he does a nice job. Taylor's vocals are strong and soulful with a super bass line from Solveson. Another of my favorites, is bluesy ballad Eighth Wonder, with it's warm melody, super lead vocals and balance. This track is my absolute choice for radio airplay. Three Alarm Desire has a great boogie beat powered by bass player Solveson. and Hambridge on drums. Scorching double stops by Schroedl gives the track real heat. Wrapping the release is low slung shuffle track, Look What You Made Me Do, with great balance by Tevich on keys and slick jazzy guitar work by Schroedl. Showing the best vocals on the release Taylor makes this a fine closer for a super release.

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