A few weeks late but here is the review of Erin Harpe & The Delta Swingers newest release, The Christmas Swing and it's quite good. Opening with Jingle Bell Blues, a really bluesy twist on Jingle Bells allows Harpe great latitude in super slide work and solid vocals. Backed by Jim Countryman on bass, Matt Prozaleck on harp and Chris Arizalone on drums, this really is a super attempt at making non traditional Christmas music listenable (as opposed to the wildly played but horrible Springsteen's Santa Claus is Coming to Town). Country swinger, The Night Before Christmas, has Harpe telling the famous story in synch with country blues picking, light percussion and solid harp. Traditional 30's style, At The Christmas Ball has Harpe belting out the blues accompanied by kazoo and John Juxo on piano. Very cool. Title track, The Christmas Swing has a solid bass groove and nice vocal harmonies with harp work by Richard Rosenblatt. Chuck Berry's sixties rocker, Run Run Rudolph maintains classic style with non Berry but stylized Berry riffs and harp accents. Very cool. Wrapping the release is Auld Lang Syne featuring Harpe acapella in harmony. A really nice release with more than seasonal appeal.

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